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Balinese Festivals

Balinese Festivals

Indonesia public holidays 2014 - banks and government offices closed.

Indonesia will celebrate 18 public holidays (also know locally as 'Red Days') in 2014. There are two types of holidays - official holidays (14 days) and shared holidays (4 days). The shared holidays are intended to improve productivity and efficiency, provide compensation for government and public service employees as well as boost the economy by promoting local tourism. For other sectors, such as banks, granting of the shared holiday depends on the company's policy.


Indonesia Public Holidays 2014

01 January - Wednesday - New Year's Day 2014

14 January - Tuesday - Birth of Prophet Muhammad

31 January - Friday - Chinese New Year (Imlek 2565)

31 March - Monday - Hari Nyepi Cakra 1936 (Balinese Day of Silence)

18 April - Friday - Good Friday

01 May - Thursday - International Labour Day - May Day

15 May - Thursday - Hari Raya Waisek 2558

27 May - Tuesday - Acension of Prophet Muhammad

29 May - Thursday - Acension of Jesus Christ

28 July - Monday - Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1435 H (first day)

29 July - Tuesday - Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1435 H (second day)

30 July - Wednesday - Shared Holiday

31 July - Thursday - Shared Holiday

01 August - Friday - Shared Holiday

17 August - Sunday - Indonesian Independence Day

05 October - Sunday - Idul Adha 1435 H

25 November - Tuesday - Islamic New Year 1435 H

25 December - Thursday - Christmas Day

26 December - Friday - Shared Holiday

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