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Balinese Festivals

Balinese Festivals

Bali Holidays

Bali Governor, Made Mangku Pastika, has decreed that Bali will celebrate 21 local Hindu holidays in 2013. The designated holidays are the most important dates on the Bali Hindu calendar thereby allowing Balinese Hindus the opportunity to celebrate and perform their religious obligations.

For more information click on the tab 'Balinese Festivals'. Note that banks on Bali will be closed on Galungan (elsewhere in Indonesia banks will remain open). 


Bali Holidays 2013

10-11 January - Thursday-Friday - Siwaratri

12 January - Saturday - Saraswati

16 January - Wednesday- Pagerwesi

11-13 March - Monday-Wednesday - Tawur Kesanga, Nyepi and Ngembak Geni

26-28 March - Tuesday-Thursday - Galungan

05-07 April - Friday-Sunday - Kuningan

10 August - Saturday - Saraswati

14 August - Wednesday - Pagerwesi

22-24 October - Tuesday-Thursday - Galungan

01-03 November - Friday-Sunday - Kuningan


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